
Thursday 7 February 2019

Mental health problems affect 1 in 4 of us, yet there is still such a huge stigma around the topic of mental health. #timetotalk day is an initiative which encourages everyone to talk about their mental health, to start conversations, break down stereotypes, improve relationships and take the stigma out of something that affects us all. There are so many different ways to start a conversation about mental health, and I wanted to share some tips on how easy it is to start one.

What I want from 2019

Tuesday 1 January 2019

2018 hasn't actually been the worst year for me, there have been quite a few lows, but for once I think there might have been just as many highs. I'm going into the new year surrounded by some of the most amazing friends, my boyfriend and family, and I'm excited to create even more memories than last year. Every year I come up with new years resolutions, and every year I don't stick to them. This year i'm changing the resolutions I want to stick to so that they are much smaller and achievable. I'm not going to make myself reach every goal from day one, but start making smaller steps to be able to make certain goals a habit, and I'm hoping that this way I'll be much more likely to achieve these goals.

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