
Thursday 7 February 2019

Mental health problems affect 1 in 4 of us, yet there is still such a huge stigma around the topic of mental health. #timetotalk day is an initiative which encourages everyone to talk about their mental health, to start conversations, break down stereotypes, improve relationships and take the stigma out of something that affects us all. There are so many different ways to start a conversation about mental health, and I wanted to share some tips on how easy it is to start one.

Coffee date - We often meet up with friends to have a gossip over some coffee and maybe a cake. Why not meet up and make the topic of conversation about mental health? Not only will it improve your relationship, but it might be a conversation that one of you really need.

Send a text - How long has it been since you reached out to someone on your contact list? A quick text message to someone you haven't caught up with in a while might be just what they need.

Talk - The whole point of #timetotalk is to talk about mental health. Why not join the initiative and share on social media how you have managed to start that conversation, or even how you have been affected? Even if just one person sees it, it's another step towards ending the stigma.

Speak to someone new - There are so many ways to start a conversation with someone new. Whether that be online, to a shop assistant, to a friend of a friend. It's as easy as asking them about their day, then let it go from there.

Make plans - Could you make plans with a loved one today? What about a quick trip to town, to the park or even to the library? Maybe you could go bowling after work? The best way to start a conversation about mental health is during a fun activity.

Ask twice - Our natural reaction to someone asking how we are is that we are 'fine' or 'good'. Remember to ask the question twice, our first answers aren't always the truth.

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