What I want from 2019

Tuesday 1 January 2019

2018 hasn't actually been the worst year for me, there have been quite a few lows, but for once I think there might have been just as many highs. I'm going into the new year surrounded by some of the most amazing friends, my boyfriend and family, and I'm excited to create even more memories than last year. Every year I come up with new years resolutions, and every year I don't stick to them. This year i'm changing the resolutions I want to stick to so that they are much smaller and achievable. I'm not going to make myself reach every goal from day one, but start making smaller steps to be able to make certain goals a habit, and I'm hoping that this way I'll be much more likely to achieve these goals.

Start a book log. I'm a pretty big book worm, and tend to read most nights, but I never tend to remember the books that I've read, and this is something I want to change. Especially as a teacher, I'm often in the position of trying to find literature that has specific themes, language devices and that link to my schemes of work and so this log could prove super useful in helping me to quickly locate appropriate texts.

Lose weight. Last year I think I 'let myself go' a bit. I embraced the stereotypical student lifestyle more than I realised. I stopped exercising, drank too much alcohol, snacked way too much and stopped making proper meals. This has led to me putting on quite a bit of weight and feeling low in self-esteem. I've made a list of small steps I want to make to try and maintain a healthier lifestyle. This includes pre-preparing healthy meals for days where I have long lectures, wearing my FitBit every day and reaching the daily 10,000 steps, drinking more water, getting into a better sleep routine, writing down what I need before going on a food shop and cutting out alcohol.

Going vegetarian. I tried going vegetarian last year and managed two months. This year I want to try again and last much longer. I'm not a huge animal rights activist or anything, I just don't like eating meat and I've always wanted my diet to be vegetarian. I struggle in that I am a fussy eater and also have anaemia, so I need to make sure I'm getting enough iron and protein from what I eat.

Stay on top of work. I've never missed a deadline or anything, but I definitely need to be more 'on it' this year. I need to prioritise work before social events and start putting more work into subjects like maths, which I really struggle to teach. I think I need to learn that sometimes it's important to isolate myself to focus on work for a day or two, university can sometimes feel a bit like a holiday home.

Self-care. This year I'm planning to dedicate one or two nights a week to self-care. Even if this just consists of a bath and skincare or a night of Netflix, I really want to stay on top of my mental health this year as I've got a super busy year ahead. It would be unrealistic to say that I won't have any bad episodes, but I want to be prepared to look after myself when they come about.

I hope you all have an amazing 2019 and manage to achieve everything you want to, happy new year!

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